Free background from VintageMadeForYou
There must be lots of PINK
Please Link your card to your post NOT TO YOUR BLOG
Make sure you link back to Creations in Pink blog on your post
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Maximum of 3 entries with different cards

Tuesday, 15 June 2021

Taking a Break

 The Design Team are taking a break we will be back on the 15th July.

We are having a DT CALL this will last until 13th July

Winner and Top 3 for Challenge # 34

First I would like to Thank those who 

entered our Challenge for May/June

The winner chosen by 
Random org 


No. 28 - Elin

you have won 3 Digital Stamps
The Paper Shelter

Please Email me

My email address is in the Side bar

if you don't get in touch before the 13th July
or your prize will be forfeited

Now onto the Top 3
In no particular order
Chosen by Random org

No. 17 - Glittertastic

No. 59 - Vannessa

No. 71 - Valerija

Congratulations Ladies
Please take your Badge for your blog.

Top 3 Badge